Russian Cashew Teacakes


Today was phase two of my holiday food marathon (and I use this word in the least derogatory way possible). With finals, I almost forgot Christmas would come so fast. Only one more week and I couldn’t be any more exited. I baked chocolate snowballs and these cashew delicacies.

Russian teacakes, Mexican wedding cakes, sandcakes, snowballs, Italian butter nut, however you call them, these little white balls are always a pleasure. They a like a sable with a very buttery and nutty taste. They are not too sweet either, which is a nice break once in a while during the holiday season. Cashews are a fun way to change this recipe around a little, as they are usually made with pecans.

As mentioned earlier, we are undergoing renovations here. Consequently, my entire cookbook collection is stored away in boxes stacked 10 high. Obviously, the one book I needed for this recipe happened to be at the very bottom of all. I jumped onto an Internet search for the same recipe I had been using for years. Apparently, most used almond powder, which I’m not the biggest fan of. I prefer simple most of the time. So I drove over to my stepmother’s and borrowed her BHG cookie book and found something very similar, only using pecans again. Just a few small modifications here and I had my old recipe.

I also put the final touches to my Christmas Eve menu this afternoon. I had a lot of trouble making choices. That is my problem with cocktail parties, I want to make everything but obviously I would not be able to enjoy the party if I spent all my time in the kitchen. I’ll see if I can start the prep on that later on in the week, you know when I actually have a definite guest list.

Russian Cashew Teacakes
Adapted from : Better Homes and Gardens’ Biggest Book of Cookies
Makes about : 72 cookies (yet I only made 80 with a double recipe)
  • - 1 cup butter softened
  • - ½ cup granulated sugar, plus more for rolling
  • - ¼ teaspoon salt
  • - 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • - 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • - 1 cup cashews
  • - 1 cup powdered sugar
  1. Finely chop the cashews
  2. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  3. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter for about 30 minutes on medium-high speed. Add the granulated sugar and the salt. Beat until combined, scraping the sides of the bowl occasionally. Beat in the vanilla. Beat the flour. Stir in the nuts.
  4. Shape dough into ¾ inch ball. Roll the ball in granulated sugar. Place balls 1 inch apart the cookie sheet.
  5. Bake for 12 minutes of until buttons just begin to brown. Transfer cookies on a cooling rack for about 10 minutes. Roll in powdered sugar. Continue to cool. Enjoy!

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